Bridgecare Employers

We lift up the very crucial need for business owners and entrepreneurs from the local church to rise up and take on the responsibility to aid and support their returning brothers and sisters through their reintegration journey by offering them a powerful pillar of support: employment.

Prospective Clients

We pray that whether through word of mouth; through a holy leading by the Spirit; through a random searching for online resources, or through all the many other ways that we have not even begun to think of, returning citizens would find their way to PFC's Bridgecare program and find the support they need for […]

Chaplaincy & Parole

We lift up the many brothers, sisters, and partners who serve in a chaplaincy or parole/probation role across Canada, who work so studiously in supporting prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families, and we pray that our partnership together will continually grow deeper. May the Lord knit us together in this work and create streams that cause […]

Marketing Needs

We continue to pray for fresh, appealing, robust creativity for our dedicated one-woman marketing team, Sally Doss! May the Lord give her continual joy in her work. May she find a fresh anointing each morning of heavenly creativity that perfectly fits every need, and may the presence of the Lord give her shalom peace.

Partner Engagement Manager

We thank the Lord for our brother, David Lombardo, and the gift that the Lord has bestowed upon Him to support the work of this ministry. We pray that the Spirit will lead David in the way he should go at every step and give him continual favour as He teaches him the profound mysteries […]

Filling the Gaps

The Lord already knows our needs before we ask, yet we continue to pray that He will go before us and lead the right people in at the right time to come aboard. We pray the Lord will raise up finances to support taking on regional managers in the Atlantic, Prairies, and wherever He is […]

Walking The Good Path

With the release of our newest Bible-based curriculum, Walking the Good Path, we pray that the favour of the Lord will go before us to create clear paths for many institutions to begin running it. Raise up even an advocate for us at the highest levels of government, Lord, who will see the restorative power […]

The Forgiveness Journey

We lift up the prisoners and ex-prisoners all across Canada who are participating in the journey of forgiveness, and we pray that the Lord is softening their hearts to hear His voice clearly. We pray for the healing that accompanies forgiveness, and we pray that it will sweep over prisoners like a powerful wave leading […]

The Re-Entry Journey

We thank the Lord for those who commit themselves to participate each week in learning practical steps to aid them in reintegration. We pray the Lord would meet their commitment with blessing upon blessing. May there be open doors of employment. May there be access to affordable housing. May there be connections to a healthy […]

CEO, Stacey Campbell

We continue to ask the Lord to be a shield and a defence 'round about every step that Stacey takes in her path. May the Lord find unique ways to encourage her, to affirm her, and to give her rest. May the Spirit provide precision in every revelation that gives her boldness in her leading.

Dreams & Visions

We continue to ask the Lord to reach prisoners where we cannot reach them. Through the powerful revelation that comes through dreams and visions, we pray that prisoners in every isolated space would find a sense of fellowship with Jesus through the touches of His grace and love expressed through dreams and visions.

The Calling To Service

We pray that as volunteers move from curiosity to engagement that the Holy Spirit will find special ways to affirm them in their calling. May they hear the call through the radio, or something that they read, or something that they stumble upon. But may they also find many confirmations that immediately follow.