Shirley Buchanan

VP of Programs & Missions

A seed was planted in Shirley for prison ministry two decades ago when a compassionate Christian volunteer coordinator invited her to get involved at a local young offender prison. The assignment was to run a newspaper club with a group of teenagers helping them practice writing and desktop publishing skills. For four years, every Tuesday they would meet, brainstorm ideas for stories and get to know each other in a positive, hopeful setting. The experience left a huge impression. 

Shirley received a BA in History & Applied Studies prior to completing her Bachelor of Laws at McGill University. Since then she has worked at a global branding & design agency, leading the Communications Department as well as significant work in charity accounts, account management and creative problem solving on behalf of the company. 

Having always had a heart for local and global missions through her church and ancillary organizations, Shirley is a passionate follower of Christ seeking to bring Christ’s message of grace, forgiveness and hope to those experiencing crises, grief and isolation. After praying deeply for the right next step, Shirley joins the Prison Fellowship team with enormous enthusiasm and an eagerness to dig in!