Facilitating Transformation
“All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ‘s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”
2 Corinthians 5:18
It is clear that the journey to incarceration or conviction is complex: generational trauma, marginalization, self-hatred, addiction, and mental illness are common to the experience of people who commit crimes. These experiences do not excuse the offence; they explain the journey to incarceration.
We know this is possible because we believe in a God who made us all in His image – who provided hope for forgiveness in the form of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ. A God who restores and reconciles us to Him, while calling us to be ambassadors of reconciliation.
We believe that full healing and restoration for crimes committed is possible through the reconciliation to God, to self, to family, to victims, and to community.
Prison Fellowship Canada’s mandate is to meet people who have committed crimes or who are impacted by crime – families of prisoners or victims of crime – wherever they are in their journey, to facilitate reconciliation and the freedom that it brings.
Our role is to help create the conditions where the story of the Prodigal Son is possible for every prisoner. A true story where the prisoner has the opportunity to be welcomed back, to be part of a story of restoration and transformation for them and all impacted by their decisions.
Those partnerships allow our staff and our volunteers to engage with prison staff and those who are in prison using our evidence-based and faith-based programming in over 135 correctional facilities across Canada.
We support the transformation of prisoners seeking to be reconciled and reintegrated into their families and communities. These efforts are reinforced by mobilizing the Christian church to play a meaningful role in a transformational response to crime, supporting victims of crime and families of prisoners.
These combined efforts contribute to justice – meaning God takes what has fallen over and sets it up straight – meaning righted relationships– for all, where everyone is able to thrive according to God’s intended creation and sovereignty.
This ministry is made possible by the hard work of our volunteers and the generosity of our supporters. If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved, click below.