Institutional Chaplains
Prison Fellowship Canada is pleased to partner with Correctional Institutions to support the Christian programming offered within federal and provincial correctional institutions across Canada.Prison Fellowship Canada is pleased to partner with Correctional Institutions to support the Christian programming offered within federal and provincial correctional institutions across Canada.
Below are the available PFC programs
Faith & Justice Series
PFC is currently offering 3 curriculum programs in prison. These programs are Bible study series designed to help incarcerated individuals grow both spiritually and practically. The Re-entry Journey: This program centres around practical life skills that are Biblically based. Specifically, the sessions cover listening skills, communication, conflict resolution, anger management, job readiness, and money management.
- Available as a group or 1:1 format
- Facilitated by a PFC trained Volunteer Program Leader
- A Certificate-based program
The Forgiveness Journey
PFC Program facilitators guide the group in discussions around God’s persistent love and offer to forgive all people no matter who they are, no matter what they have done or have not done, no matter how terrible the things they have done are, and no matter where they are in relationship to Him.
- Available as a group or 1:1 format
- Facilitated by a PFC trained Volunteer Program Leader
- A Certificate-based program
The Sycamore Tree
Participants take part in a process that helps them understand their crime and its impact and then take responsibility for it.
- Facilitated by a PFC trained Volunteer Program Leader.
- Participation requires the chaplain’s approval, application and interview.
Prison Fellowship By Phone
This program gives prisoners the opportunity to call an approved toll-free number from inside the institution and be connected to a trained PFC volunteer program leader. Prisoners often experience feelings of fear, anxiety, isolation, and hopelessness.
Bridgecare is a core program of PFC which seeks to fill a gap and support prisoners as they leave correctional institutions and re-enter communities in a safe and respectful manner for all. Community reintegration can be a daunting and complex task particularly when individual struggles with mental health issues, addiction, and/or broken relationships. Having poor or no support in place can make this nearly impossible. PFC recognizes the need for a stable community, employment, and housing as essential to ensuring the success of both program participants and the communities they are returning to.
- Candidates are identified through the chaplaincy or other institutional staff
Angel Tree Program
Research shows that children who stay connected to parents in prison or jail are less likely to exhibit disruptive behaviours or experience anxiety. Further, it is also proven that these children are more likely to initiate social interaction and test better in academic, emotional, and social outcomes. With over 357,000 children of incarcerated parents nationally, PFC’s Angel Tree programs play an important part in the creation of a protective and supportive environment for children of incarcerated parents to grow and develop.
Angel Tree Christmas program
- Approved sponsors purchase a gift for a child of an incarcerated parent and deliver it in time for Christmas
- Applications are submitted through the chaplaincy department
Angel Tree Camping program
- Children get to participate in a summer camp where they experience adventure, make friends and build memories
- Applications are submitted through the chaplaincy department
If you are a Chaplain or Volunteer Coordinator and are interested in more information about
Prison Fellowship Canada or the in-prison programming we offer, please contact our national office at
This ministry is made possible by the hard work of our volunteers and the generosity of our supporters. If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved, click below.