Get Involved

Prison Fellowship Canada (PFC) executes its vision through people, including our growing network of PFC Volunteers across Canada. Our volunteers serve by working with children and families, offenders, ex-offenders, victims, or through fundraising, donations, prayer and office support. There are many entry points and ways to be involved – and we are respectful of your comfort level.


PFC provides step-by-step instructions on getting started, a comprehensive training program, and resources to minister to prisoners. We would love to have you on our PFC Volunteer team.


PFC wants to partner with you and your institution to bring transformation and hope to incarcerated invdividuals


Join the men and women who pray with us daily
for this ministry.


Join our online community today and share content with your network.

This ministry is made possible by the hard work of our volunteers and the generosity of our supporters. If you are interested in learning more about how you can get involved, click below.

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