The Sycamore Tree


In 1996 Prison Fellowship International gifted The Sycamore Tree Project to National Affiliates around the world to further the work of Restorative Justice. Prison Fellowship Canada began working with the program in 2015 and has recently revised the program to include responses to what we have learned through the work with many offenders, victims, and chaplains who gather with us in an effort to contribute to Shalom – nothing less than all of creation healed.


The program takes its name from the story of Zacchaeus and his encounter with Jesus (Luke 19:1- 10) Program participants explore the effects of crime on victims, offenders, and the community. Prisoners come to the understanding of the harm that crime causes both to victims and the community. Victims begin to understand the humanity and brokenness of prisoners and begin to reflect on their own experience in a way that assists their healing.

Offenders confront, often for the first time both their own issues that led to crime and the effects and impact of the harms they have caused others. The program works because it offers a safe, non-judgmental space to explore the hard issues, it allows for offenders and victims to share their stories which is often the beginning of their healing and reflective exercises throughout allow participants to make life changes that result in active responsibility with on-going accountability.



“This program helped me grow, and forgiveness is a big part of that. It helped me move forward with the healing process – that things are working properly, inside.”
– A Sycamore Tree program graduate

“I was so filled with shame that I wasn’t able to open up and have a normal relationship with anyone. Sharing with the victim really freed me and now, thanks to the program, I feel I can be vulnerable and real in a relationship.”
– A Sycamore Tree program graduate

Sycamore Tree helped me better understand the victim and how many people I affected. It has changed the direction of my life. I know how to express myself better. I am learning to think things through before reacting.
– A Sycamore Tree program graduate

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