Brand New!

As we get ready to unveil our new look for Prison Fellowship Canada in the months ahead, we ask that you would join us in prayer for clarity surrounding any issues that might arise; for a favourable reception of our new branding, and for continuity of connection in those places where we have already well-established work.

Bridgecare Clients

We thank the Lord for those returning citizens that the Lord has led to our ministry in the past year and pray that every resource needed to well support our Bridgecare clients in the cities where they return will continually abound. May the Lord overwhelm clients with His abundant supply!

PF by Phone Callers

We continue to pray that more institutions will receive this wonderful program, and more prisoners will have the opportunity to find meaningful support and spiritual friendship through the PF by Phone lines. We also pray that our posters will be clearly displayed and that the inmates will memorize the phone numbers to share with others.

The Prudent and the Foolish (Prov 22:3)

Lord, so many cycles of crime and error begin because we choose to continue on a path that we know will not lead to anything good. On this April Fool’s Day, we pray for greater awareness so that we may exercise prudence and take the necessary precautions to keep ourselves safe.

Fresh New Look

We pray for the unveiling and release of the new Prison Fellowship Canada branding this month! May the Lord use every bit of the new colours, design, and imagery to captivate hearts for the cause of Christ through this ministry.

Volunteer Encouragement

We lift up our faithful PF by Phone volunteers and ask the Lord to emphatically speak a word of encouragement over them as they serve and even in their private devotional time. They encounter so many difficult things on the phone lines; may they always have the wisdom and grace to respond as Jesus would […]

PF by Phone Callers

We lift up prisons and jails across Canada and ask the Lord to draw many new callers to the line. We pray that however, they come, that they will be touched by the very Spirit of God through the calls and leave changed from the experience.

Bridgecare Teams

We pray that the omniscient Spirit will go before us and prepare the way of bringing forth Bridgecare teams in every city where returning citizens are returning so that we can equip and prepare volunteers to receive these members of society back with great care.

Brand New!

There are a lot of pieces to an organizational rebranding. We pray for wisdom to consider every piece carefully and for a smooth and successful transition into the future of Prison Fellowship Canada with a warm and welcoming reception by our partners and supporters.