Expand Our Borders

We pray for a greater reach to prisoners this year than ever before. May we find new ground to provide the gift of connection to prisoners through the PF by Phone line, Bridgecare, and In-Prison curriculum. May we also have sufficient volunteers in every region to meet the need.

Regina Bridgecare

We lift up our fellow servants Al Ferrara, Doug Conn, and so many others who tirelessly serve the needs of prisoners and returning citizens. We pray that the Holy Spirit is ever-present in all that they do, providing for their every need along the way.

Restored Worship

We pray for prisons to become houses of worship where the Name of the Lord is sung, praised, and rejoiced repeatedly. May the flood of worship bring along with it healing, restoration, peace, and a new perspective about life.

Resting in You

We lift up our PFC from coast to coast and pray that the Lord would etch out special times of rest for each one in unique ways that restore in us a joy for the work of ministry, wisdom over our priorities, and the mental wellbeing always to be able to offer life and life […]

Persecuted Church

We lift up our persecuted brothers and sisters who are berated, insulted and ridiculed as they seek to set their lives apart to answer the call of serving prisoners. Whether by family, friends or by the population we serve, may we take our cues from Christ and joyfully press forward toward the high calling in […]

Protection From The Evil One

We pray that the Lord will deliver us from every snare and trap that our spiritual enemies seek to lay before our feet in the work that we do. May the Lord direct our path and lead us in paths of safety. May we sense the Lord ever-present in the valleys and the mountains.

Reforming Rehabilitation

We pray that God will raise up men and women in places of authority across this country who will usher in a wave of divinely inspired initiatives that allow for the biblical concepts of love, peace, justice, and restoration to permeate our prison systems.

Culture Shocked

We pray right now for a shift in the very atmosphere of prison culture where prisoners become ministers to one another, and churches are built from the inside out! May the Lord provide his teaching Spirit, his Spirit of discernment, and unleash all of the giftings of the body of Christ in prisons.

Blessed Givers

We want to ask for a special blessing over the lives of those who partner and support the work we do at PFC. May the Lord touch each and every one of their lives in a very personal and intimate way bringing answers to prayer, restoration of broken things in their own lives, and joy overflowing.

Grace Upon Grace

We lift up returning men and women who have attended and been impacted by PFC In-Prison programs or through the PF by Phone line or Bible Studies. We pray for them to seek out and find a healthy, Spirit-filled community upon release to continue their journey into freedom.


We ask the Holy Spirit for hearts all across Canada to bear the marks of genuine and authentic change. May the testimonies of lives transformed by Your grace, Oh God, be the sign to this world of the power of the Gospel in prisoners and returning citizens.


We pray that the people who are called by the Name of the Lord, both in and out of prison, will rise up to the high calling of exemplifying what citizenship to the heavenly kingdom looks like before all in churches, in communities and in prisons.