PF by Phone Volunteers

We thank the Lord for our faithful PF by Phone operators and continue to pray for God’s shield and covering over them as they minister to the difficult issues of incarcerated men and women across Canada. We pray for timely words of encouragement and words of knowledge that bestow healing, freedom, and restoration. 

The Forgiveness Journey

Every journey begins with a single step! So we pray that on the road of both receiving and extending forgiveness to others, incarcerated men and women would find their way upon this journey through this powerfully restorative program. May the Lord open many doors of opportunities. 


As we seek to engage and extend more resources to families with an incarcerated parent to connect to the community and thrive despite these strenuous circumstances in their life, we pray for a vision on how to accomplish that best. May the Lord give us inspiration for something powerful and effective that will be established […]

Far Away from Home

We lift up those families without the resources to travel to other cities or even provinces to visit an incarcerated loved one and pray that God would continue to surround those on both sides of the bars with community. 

Bridgecare Resource

We are so grateful for those contacts who have stepped forward to make a way for returning citizens to find employment upon release. We continue to pray that through the local church, many more opportunities like these will abound in the major cities across Canada clients return. 

A Generous Heart

Lord, bless the hands that give so generously to support the work of the ministry to prisoners. May they lack no good thing from You. May their hearts be full and always overflowing with your love and grace, and may you return to each one in their particular point of need. 

Delight in The Lord

We pray that each staff member, volunteer, and even those we serve would feel the overflowing abundance of joy exuding from us in our labours. May our delight be in You, our God, who is worthy to be praised. May the light of our lamps shine brightly, like a beacon giving direction to all who […]

The Call of Fathers

We pray for incarcerated men across Canada to be divinely connected with spiritual mentors both in and out of prison through PFC programs and the local church. We pray for strong, compassionate, grace-filled men to be born through the fire of incarceration and return Spirit-filled and empowered to serve life! 

Give Us Sight

We pray for the blind spots in our lives as volunteers, staff, and just for us as a corporate body as well. May the Spirit of Truth illuminate the things to us where answers are staring us in the face, resources are within our reach, and breakthrough is right around the corner! 

Growing Pains

So often, we hear from prisoners struggling with the frustrations and pain of a season intended to nurture growth but who are still actively rebelling against God and His authority. We pray for grace and comfort for those hurting families and friends who must also endure these seasons until the work is complete. 

The Labourers Are Few

As we transition back to full-time in-prison ministry, we pray that we shall not lack volunteers for any of the programs where volunteers have served during the seasons of prison lockouts for those volunteers normally serving in prison. We pray for the harvest and that God will meet the need when the time comes. 

Learning To Love

We pray for all our hearts and the hearts of those we serve to be continually renewed by the experiential loving relationship we share with our God through Christ and that it teaches and instructs us in new ways to abound in His grace in all we do.