Spiritual Perception

We pray that we would continue to each individually as well as corporately grow to gain new perspectives about the work that we do; the difficulties to the work; the structure and solution to bring about effective change; and for opportunity to continually live out our mission to share these insights with the local church.

Angel Tree Prisoner Parents

We pray for the prisoners who apply for the Angel Tree Christmas program. May this gift of connection planted in these lives be nurtured and grow so that the positive relationships that have been started, mature and develop - drawing the children and their families closer to Christ and one another.

Rest in Sleep

We lift up all of our staff, volunteers, donors, various partners, and especially those we serve: the prisoner, ex-prisoner, and their families, and we ask the Lord to bless us all with the gift of true rest in Him; rest from our work; rest that restores; rest that heals; rest in our sleep.

ATX Institution Registration Deadline

We pray that the Chaplains, Program Staff, and other Corrections staff across Canada will see the powerful restorative benefit of Angel Tree in connecting prisoner parents with their children – and that they would be compelled to find ways to participate this year.


We take a moment to thank the Lord for all that He has done. We celebrate every victory. We thank Him for every connection that went smoothly; every need that was ever so perfectly met; and for the unexpected blessings along the way. We lift up the name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Angel Tree Christmas

We thank the Lord for the outpouring of support we continually see through local sponsors to meet the needs of these families and bestow the irreplaceable gift of connection to families this Christmas. May the Lord never withhold any good thing to those who give so liberally to others in their time of need.

Angel Tree Children

We especially remember the children of prisoners during this upcoming Christmas season. We pray that more than just physical gifts, the genuine gift of the Ultimate Gift-Giver would be made so real for each and every one. May each child feel the intimate presence of God their Father this Christmas season.

Angel Tree Caregivers

We pray for those heavy-laden caregivers who have unexpectedly found their lives burdened by additional expenses of carrying the kids of their children or other loved ones. We pray they will find an authentic community through the local church and resources to alleviate the burden.

Bridgecare Connections

We lift up the returning citizens who are working through their reintegration journeys in our Bridgecare program and ask the Lord for wisdom in finding and equipping volunteers to serve the communities of need and for smooth and well-received connections.

Bridgecare Employers

We pray that more business owners through the local church across Canada would hear from the Lord and open their hearts to employing former prisoners. We pray that these connections would lead to a restored sense of self-worth and unexpected fruitfulness would abound, supportive of real community integration.

Bridgecare Housing

We lift up the need of returning citizens to find safe, affordable, and stable housing solutions, abounding from all kinds of supernaturally inspired ventures through the local church. May there come a day when this problem is so far a distant memory that we cannot readily recall that it even ever existed.

Bridgecare Faith

We pray for the continual encouragement of returning citizens entering the Bridgecare program. We ask the Lord to find unique and special ways to speak to them so personally that they cannot help but confess in both word and deed that Jesus Christ is Lord.