Holy Dreams

We pray the Lord will continue to pour out His Spirit over all flesh in the prisons across Canada helping prisoners to find timely encouragement, restored reasons for joy, and hope for the future in ways that no one can ever stop or hinder. Make known the power of Your presence through dreams, dear Lord. 

Employment for Bridgecare Clients

 We pray for more open doors of opportunity to connect Bridgecare Mentorship clients with local employers in every major city across Ontario to support returning citizens in securing gainful employment. 

Cycles of Shame

We pray that the Spirit of the Lord, through PFC’s in-prison studies, would help prisoners experience a holy reconciliation to community that brings awareness to - and ultimately helps to address - the deep rooted sense of shame that many experience throughout the judicial process – and having crimes brought to light. 

Layers of Forgiveness

Receiving and experiencing God’s forgiveness is a lifelong process as the Lord draws us closer to Himself and brings the deepest depths of darkness that exists within our hearts to light. We pray for this maturing process for those we serve through this ministry, and for all their continued growth. 

Angel Tree Camping

We continue to pray that many children of prisoners would get the opportunity to experience the memory-making, joyful experience of camp this summer. We pray that prisoners would respond favourably to in-prison posters and see the opportunity as something beneficial to their child’s development.

Angel Tree Investment

We pray that the Lord would raise up many financial supporters with a deep desire to see these precious little ones experience a week of camp, community, and fun! We pray that the good things that are taught to us through experience would be deeply rooted in each heart through this experience at a Christian […]

Internal Developments

We pray for wisdom, sharpened senses, and productive critical thinking as we continue to brainstorm new solutions for how we manage our internal processes that make for the most efficiencies. We pray ultimately that our staff can have more time to take the ministry to prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families. 

Favour in the Atlantic

As our opportunities continue to increase for in-prison Bible studies in the Atlantic region, we pray for more in-prison volunteers to rise up from churches that are located near the various institutions. We pray that the Lord would do something powerful and new through PFC in the Atlantic region. 

Skills Development Funding

We pray that if the Lord wills, we would see an answer to our application for renewed funding for this crucial support to returning citizens. We thank the Lord for the positive ways that it has encouraged and assisted reintegration for many this past year. 

Developing Leaders

We thank the Lord for the growth we’ve seen in volunteer participation these past few months and continue to pray over each person. We pray that the Lord is continuing to cultivate the good work He has begun; protecting our volunteers in every necessary way along the path, and establishing each one in the place […]

Affirmation & Confirmation

We thank the Lord for the many believers across Canada who are attentive to the call of the Spirit to serve prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families. We pray that the Lord will continue to encourage those He has set apart for this ministry with the necessary confirmations so that they can faithfully take the next […]

Revelation by the Spirit

We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to be poured out in prisons across Canada making the Word of Life stand up from the pages of Scripture like braille to each one who reads it. We pray that our in-prison studies would overflow with participants deeply longing to learn about Jesus!