PFC by Phone Program Reach

We continue to pray for open doors to this powerful and effective ministry in institutions across Canada. May the Lord continue to pray for volunteers to meet the growing needs as well as for new opportunities to expand our efforts to those struggling with isolation and loneliness everywhere.

Pen Pal Connections

Although we have continued to grandfather the Pen Pal program in recent years, we still have many connections that are still going strong. We pray those connections will continue to be a source of mutual edification and encouragement for volunteers and prisoners alike.

Prisoner Callers

We pray for prisoners all across Canada to find their way to their PFC by Phone regional numbers and for the confidence to seek out and find spiritual support during their incarceration. May prisoners find their hearts so favourably disposed to the service that they continue to utilize it and promote it positively to others.

Federal PFC by Phone Pilot

It's been about a month, and we continue to pray for our federal PFC by Phone pilot to be well received by the prisoners at Bath Institution. May the conversations be led by the Holy Spirit and graced by the restorative presence of Jesus!

Direction and Guidance

We continue to ask the Holy Spirit to lead our staff, volunteers, financial supporters, and partners in our day-to-day assignments with a continual sense of His presence and direction in all we do. May the Lord give confirmation and affirmation to take the next step boldly.

Remembering the Prisoner

We take a moment to stop, pause, and reflect on the reality of prisons. We pray for prisoners all across Canada, asking the Lord to set the prisoner free spiritually. May they learn to walk in divine freedom no matter what their circumstances may be. May the Lord elevate the minds of prisoners to the […]

Breaking Shame

We pray for those men and women who are facing charges or are sentenced due to crimes of a particularly difficult nature to find grace. We pray that the hindrances to finding a restored sense of value and worth will be broken from their lives. May the Spirit give them a living Word that speaks […]

Breaking Chains

Although no one wants to remain in a physical prison, we pray that this time away will give deep insights to prisoners about how we battle with spiritual prisons throughout our journey. We pray for a complete shift in perspective and a renewal of the mind of prisoners that leads to healing and restoration.

Social Media Engagement

We continue to pray for effective strategies for connecting the work of the ministry to the next generation through social awareness campaigns on social media. We pray for vision as we design each marketing piece and that the Spirit of the Lord would touch each piece to cause it to capture an audience faithful and […]

Church Engagement

We pray that beyond every point of connection that we have with churches, that churches would feel deeply for the marginalized and prisoners the way that Jesus does. May His Spirit direct them to intersect with our ministry in the divine connection ways that only He can orchestrate.

1Life with Chaplains

We thank the Lord for this wonderful opportunity to play our 1Life game with Ontario Chaplains. We pray that the deeply meaningful concepts that abound from the experience would highlight the problem in a greater light and encourage everyone towards more intentional problem-solving and solutions.

Research & Development

As we continue to develop internal processes to streamline our work and develop better solutions for self-care, time management, and organizational growth, we pray for wisdom, guidance, restoration in the ways we don't easily recognize that we might need, and for humility with the process.