The Re-Entry Journey

We thank the Lord for those who commit themselves to participate each week in learning practical steps to aid them in reintegration. We pray the Lord would meet their commitment with blessing upon blessing. May there be open doors of employment. May there be access to affordable housing. May there be connections to a healthy […]

CEO, Stacey Campbell

We continue to ask the Lord to be a shield and a defence 'round about every step that Stacey takes in her path. May the Lord find unique ways to encourage her, to affirm her, and to give her rest. May the Spirit provide precision in every revelation that gives her boldness in her leading.

Dreams & Visions

We continue to ask the Lord to reach prisoners where we cannot reach them. Through the powerful revelation that comes through dreams and visions, we pray that prisoners in every isolated space would find a sense of fellowship with Jesus through the touches of His grace and love expressed through dreams and visions.

The Calling To Service

We pray that as volunteers move from curiosity to engagement that the Holy Spirit will find special ways to affirm them in their calling. May they hear the call through the radio, or something that they read, or something that they stumble upon. But may they also find many confirmations that immediately follow.

Prayer Warriors

We pray that the Lord would raise up many dedicated prayer partners who will faithfully stand in the gap for the ministry, for the staff, for the volunteers, for the needs, against the barriers, for the openings, for the resources, and for the prisoner, ex-prisoner, and their families. Raise up for us, the faithful in […]

Church Partners

May the Lord continue to compel and inspire the local Christian church community of the great need that we all should be a part of in serving the marginalized. May the calling to prison ministry soon become the mission of every local church in some capacity. May the church have eyes to see Jesus in […]

Angel Tree Camping Program

We pray that the Lord would grow the Angel Tree Camping program this year so that we can see many children of prisoners not only connect to healthy communities but would have a unique opportunity to learn about Jesus! May the Lord draw near those who are far. May no child miss out on camp.

Springing Into Action!

We thank the Lord for the many open doors to effective ministry that He has placed before us and pray that the work we do in equipping and preparing the Canadian Christian Church communities to answer the call will be met with many more opportunities to serve in the year ahead!

PFC by Phone

We pray for those callers who are battling depression and thoughts of suicide. We ask the Lord to use these volunteers who diligently offer their time to field calls to offer a life-changing, hope-inspiring, awe-provoking, joy-restoring perspective of life, God, and eternity.

Prospective Client Awareness

Just as the Lord has continued to lead many returning citizens to us in unique ways, we pray that all those who could benefit from Christian mentorship will find their way to us. We also pray for a steady stream of referrals through local institutions.

Bridgecare Employment Support

We continue to intercede for those being released from prison to find meaningful employment opportunities and ask the Lord to inspire the hearts of many to come forward and offer employment opportunities to returning citizens, places where ex-prisoners can find a healthy community and a chance for positive change.

Staff Covering

We lift up all of the national PFC staff and pray for a covering from the Lord over their lives from spiritual attacks. We pray that love will be made manifest in all of our lives to increasingly greater degrees. We ask the Lord to continue to knit us together thoroughly as one.