Freedom Reigns!

We pray for the spiritual freedom that only comes from knowing the risen Christ! May the narrow sightedness of only considering our present sufferings be broken off prisoners everywhere, and may they experience the fullness of life that Jesus comes to offer.

Dreams & Visions

We lift up prisoners and volunteers all across Canada who meet in person in or out of prison and through the PF by Phone lines. We pray for divine clarity to bring healing and restoration through the insight given in dreams and visions. May we avail ourselves to this very necessary resource from God.

In-Prison Returns

We lift up prisons across Canada and pray for an expedient and safe return for volunteers to in-prison ministry. We pray that our volunteers will gracefully submit to the requirements to return to serving the words of eternal life among the prison population.

The Forgiveness Journey

We pray for many opportunities this year for prisoners to experience the journey of forgiveness and experience the only forgiveness that comes from God through His Son Jesus the Christ! May there be many open doors of opportunity for this curriculum.

Good Friday

As we pause and reflect on what the Lord has done for both us and prisoners alike, we pray that the reality would deeply penetrate our hearts and minds today in the places where we need it the most; that the restoration that His sacrifice was intended to bring would be more fully realized in […]

Fundraising Events

We lift up our regional managers as they coordinate events across Canada to raise awareness and support for the meaningful work of ministry to prisoners. May the Lord give them His Spirit of creativity, and may many come forward to support the events in a variety of ways with the differing giftings of the body […]

Support for Caregivers

We take a moment to consider and pray for the many caregivers across Canada who have stepped in to support families with children when a parent is incarcerated. May the Lord continue to lead them to find support through Angel Tree, but may they also find ongoing support through the local church.


We lift up the entire Canadian Christian church community and pray that these called out ones - called and set apart to serve - will find their way to connect to meaningful ministry, whether in-prison or returning citizens. We pray for God's restorative justice solution: the church.

Expand Our Borders

We pray for a greater reach to prisoners this year than ever before. May we find new ground to provide the gift of connection to prisoners through the PF by Phone line, Bridgecare, and In-Prison curriculum. May we also have sufficient volunteers in every region to meet the need.

Regina Bridgecare

We lift up our fellow servants Al Ferrara, Doug Conn, and so many others who tirelessly serve the needs of prisoners and returning citizens. We pray that the Holy Spirit is ever-present in all that they do, providing for their every need along the way.

Restored Worship

We pray for prisons to become houses of worship where the Name of the Lord is sung, praised, and rejoiced repeatedly. May the flood of worship bring along with it healing, restoration, peace, and a new perspective about life.

Resting in You

We lift up our PFC from coast to coast and pray that the Lord would etch out special times of rest for each one in unique ways that restore in us a joy for the work of ministry, wisdom over our priorities, and the mental wellbeing always to be able to offer life and life […]