Speak Life

We pray that the Lord would give our entire body of staff, volunteers and donors a holy conviction for mindfulness with our words. That we would so align ourselves with the truth of who we are and what is possible in Christ by the leading of the Spirit, that we would find affirmation through our […]

Dearest Chaplains

We lift up our fellow labourers who occupy Chaplaincy positions all across Canada and ask the Lord to fill their daily work with His Spirit of joy! May the Lord find unique ways to speak to and minister to each one at the particular point of need, bringing renewed hope, shalom peace, and joy in […]

Covered in Darkness

We ask the Lord to reveal the things hidden in darkness that seek to impede our ability to serve in a greater way. May barriers be broken down; veils be lifted; iron bars be broken and light permeate every corner of the ministry. Increase our borders, Lord, God!

Marketing Needs

We lift up Sally as she continues to develop Spirit-inspired marketing pieces for social engagement and support. May the Lord give her a double portion of His creative Spirit, and a vision to create every detail of the designs that He inspires in her heart.

Decision Makers for Canada

We lift up our leaders across Canada, and we bless them in the Name of Jesus! Though it's not always easy to agree with the choices of those that God places in charge, we pray that we see the good that God envisioned for them, and we intercede on their behalf that they would indeed […]

Coordinated Efforts

Often Bridgecare volunteer teams have different schedules and clients have narrow restrictions, but we pray that despite these variables, the Lord would so prepare ways for these teams to connect that it astounds them and they would see the hand of God upon their connections.

Light A Fire In Us

We lift up all of our national staff and volunteers and we pray against any spirit of apathy or complacency. We pray that the Lord would restore the former fires in those who have long served, and ignite a new fire and zeal in those who are new to our team. We pray for vision, […]

Falling Through The Cracks

We pray that as we continue to cast and pursue our vision for the future, that we never lose sight of those details that can be so easily overlooked. May the Spirit give us an attentiveness to all the pieces that make up the whole - both in our current circumstances as well as for […]

Bridgecare Men

We lift up the male clients in our Bridgecare program, both those with children currently, as well as for those who have yet to be parents, and we pray that the Lord will shine forth ever so clearly what it means to have a good heavenly Father, so that these men can also reflect the […]

Bridgecare Women

We lift up the female clients in the program, and we pray that the Lord would bestow such a strong and independent sense of identity. We pray that the Lord would pour our over these women an intimate sense of His never-failing love that frees them to walk into the women they were created to […]

The Bridgecare Program

We lift up this powerful program and pray that many men and women would have open hearts to receive the support of a healthy community. May the Lord take hold of those individuals whose hearts are ready and willing to receive instruction and see a new outcome for their life towards this vital connection.

Angel Tree Christmas Prep

As we get our final documents together for the outrolling of Angel Tree Christmas, we pray for the Spirit's attentiveness to detail so that we can produce clear and concise communications for our partners, sponsors, churches and donors. We pray for a growing response by prisoners, and that every need is abundantly met.