Stacey Campbell, CEO

Lord, we thank You for the wisdom and grace of our faithful ministry leader, Stacey Campbell. Continue to shield her from the flaming arrows of the enemy. Hide her in Your secret places, and give her continual favour to drive forward the ministry in the ways You have intended. We pray for a special word […]

Shirley Buchanan, VP of Missions & Programs

Lord, we lift up Your faithful servant, Shirley Buchanan, and continue to pray that You will give her wisdom and clarity in her labours. May You etch out special times and seasons of restoration for her. May Your grace overflow to her in increasing measure.

Justice For Prisoners

Lord, we pray that there will be more and more opportunities for both the local church and prisoners to learn about the biblical meaning of justice. Let our lives be a faithful testimony of acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with You.

Ashan Jayasinghe, Angel Tree Coordinator

We are so thankful for the gift of Your servant, Ashan Jayasinghe. We pray that You will firmly take hold of his life in new ways this season and abundantly pour out Your Spirit of grace over him. Shape him and mould him continually - along with all of us - into the image of […]

Supporting Interns

This year we had the blessing of many interns serving along in the ministry in a variety of capacities, and even though some have returned to school and other things (as is the nature of internships), we thank You for the gift of these connections and pray a special word of blessing over them in […]

Breaking Addiction

Lord, as we think about those who struggle with different kinds of addictive behaviour and vice, we pray that You will continue to find unique ways to extend Your mercy towards them and help each one find their way into a loving community this Christmas season. We declare a word of freedom over all those […]

Divine Timing

Lord, we thank You that little by little, we have seen every vision come to fruition throughout the year, and we continue to pray for dreams, insight, direction, resources, and the perfect time of culmination that brings each seed to the maturity of a fruit-bearing tree. Inspire and excite us with Your wonders, Lord!

Regional Managers

Lord, we thank You that You bring us together in Your wisdom to sharpen us in just the right ways that we all need. We pray that You will continue to unify our team in even deeper unity and camaraderie. We pray that through us, everywhere we go will abound in the aroma of heaven.

Peace For Prisoners

This holiday season, by the same word that brought peace in the storm, Lord Jesus, we ask You to speak over the unsettled anxieties and fears of prisoners and assure them in an overwhelming measure that You are right there with them and that in You there is life everlasting.

Silent Night

Lord, we pray You would turn our hearts to You in quiet reflection over all the great things You have done and are still at work doing in our lives even now. May our Spirits rejoice in joyful thanksgiving at the wonders of Your grace continually at work in us and through us to the […]

Angel Tree Christmas!

We pray that every child across Canada whose parents participated in the Angel Tree Christmas program this year would wake up to the surprise of a very personal and touching gift from their incarcerated parent. We pray that these great memories will be lasting ones!

A Holy Community

Lord, we pray that everywhere our staff, volunteers, partners and supporters may go, that we would so impact the world around us with such a testimony of something so unlike the ways of this world that those who witness it cannot help but inwardly proclaim that You are with us.