Regional Managers Across Canada

Lord, we pray that You will raise funding that allows us to provincially support taking on new Regional Managers across all of Canada in the places where none currently exist to continue to share the workload of our national growth. We pray that those individuals come to us with mutual confirmations so we can clearly distinguish […]

Creative Solutions

May we never become so set in our ways and processes that we are unable to discern Your leading, Lord, in doing something new in our lives. Give us eyes that can perceive the solutions You have placed before us and the affirmations we need to go forward toward them with boldness.

Past Participants

We take a moment to remember every person who attended one of our spiritually-based curricula, whether in prison or in community. We pray that the Word planted in their lives will continue to yield a fruitful return. We pray for answers to prayer for past participants at their every point of need.

Program Awareness

We often hear from prisoners that they just randomly found their way to us as an organization and what we do. We pray for a holy change to this situation! We ask that you help us find the right lanes to promote our in-prison, community, and family ministry. We pray that we will yield the […]

Encourage Our Hearts

Lord, we pray that we will have the opportunity to behold Your presence in our ministry in real and tangible ways that remind us often of the reason why we do this and encourage us forward in all that we pursue. We pray that the hidden testimonies of Your miraculous wonders will be made known […]

Bridgecare Partner Teams

Lord, we ask that just as You sent them out two by two, You will lead them to our ministry two by two, from every major city across Canada where there are needs for Bridgecare support to returning citizens; servants who are mature, willing to serve, and have the capacity for the tough work of […]

Supernatural Forgiveness

We pray that more than just learning the steps toward forgiveness, the men and women we serve will experience the supernatural miracle of receiving the grace extended to us at the cross deep into their hearts and that it would lead to powerful breakthroughs and experiences of forgiveness, and lead to hearts that extend it […]

Financial Needs

As we continue to nurture all the areas of our lives and ministry to allow for the greatest possible pursuit of who we are called to be, both for ourselves and to reflect Your glory in this world, we pray that you will continue to affirm us in this labour of love by meeting our […]

Restored Relations

Lord, so many lives are harmed and hurt by the outcomes of crime in our communities; people lose trust and hope, live in fear, and many go on living less that You intended. We pray that the deliberate work that prisoners are doing toward wholeness and holiness will be met with many opportunities for redemption […]

Prison Partnerships

Lord, we continue to pray for every warden, superintendent, chaplain, program manager, and other correctional staff who we work with daily to serve the prisoner population. We pray that you will continue to give us favour to press forward with the work and that each person will also be positively impacted by the restorative nature […]

Unique Opportunities

Lord, we pray that this year You will open new opportunities for us to begin connecting with prisoners in ways we haven't always had before. May there be opportunities for curriculum graduate baptisms and other opportunities for prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families to affirm their new identity in You.

Church Engagement

Lord, we pray that this year will yield new connections to new churches all across the country that share the vision for restoration and the issues of the cycle of crime. We pray that these partnerships will be mutually edifying as we labour together and allow the Lord to teach us His heart for the […]