Organizational Development

Lord, we pray that Your hand is firmly upon every detail of our internal development projects, bringing to light the things we need to clearly see and clarity to those complex issues of systems integration so that our technology and workflow can support the growth of the ministry.

PFC Orientation

We thank the Lord and rejoice over those who have come forward to get involved with prison ministry in all its different capacities. We pray that the Spirit would speak and affirm each one toward the purpose for which He has called them.

Marketing And Design (Exodus 35:30-32)

Lord, we pray that just as You gave Your servant Bezalel a spirit of understanding, wisdom, knowledge and craftsmanship, You would also overflow our marketing team with the gifts of artistic design to serve in communicating Your heart for the prisoner, ex-prisoner, and their families in all of our marketing materials.

Empty Vessels

Lord, wherever there are prisoners whose hearts are stone or battling with feelings of emptiness this holiday season, we pray that You would seek out and find them and pour out Your Holy Spirit over them. Fill them with eternal life and direct them in the future and the hope You have for each one.

The Local Church

We continue to intercede for the local Christian church community as we trust the Lord is preparing His people for greater service to prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families. May the Lord continue to inspire preaching and practical teaching through local congregations in light of the Holy Scripture.

PFC by Phone

At a time of year when many especially feel their need for connection, we pray that the PFC by Phone program will shine brilliantly all across Canada as a light in a dark place. We pray that the Spirit of wisdom will give each volunteer the very words of God intended by You to minister […]

Peace On Earth

Lord, how the earth longs for Your appearing glory! May this holiday season be filled with such a powerful and overwhelming sense of peace for all of the faithful staff, volunteers, partners and supporters who serve You in all the variety of ways that they do. May the fruit of their combined labours bring about […]

Love Exemplified

Lord, we pray for those prisoners who are currently going through The Forgiveness Journey curriculum in prisons all across Canada. We pray that Your love expressed through the cross would break the hardness and cause many to yield themselves to the greatest love this world has ever known.

Stacey Campbell, CEO

Lord, we thank You for the wisdom and grace of our faithful ministry leader, Stacey Campbell. Continue to shield her from the flaming arrows of the enemy. Hide her in Your secret places, and give her continual favour to drive forward the ministry in the ways You have intended. We pray for a special word […]

Shirley Buchanan, VP of Missions & Programs

Lord, we lift up Your faithful servant, Shirley Buchanan, and continue to pray that You will give her wisdom and clarity in her labours. May You etch out special times and seasons of restoration for her. May Your grace overflow to her in increasing measure.

Justice For Prisoners

Lord, we pray that there will be more and more opportunities for both the local church and prisoners to learn about the biblical meaning of justice. Let our lives be a faithful testimony of acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with You.

Ashan Jayasinghe, Angel Tree Coordinator

We are so thankful for the gift of Your servant, Ashan Jayasinghe. We pray that You will firmly take hold of his life in new ways this season and abundantly pour out Your Spirit of grace over him. Shape him and mould him continually - along with all of us - into the image of […]